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2022 Canine Vaccination Plan

By May 6, 2022 No Comments

Vaccinating your dog is an effective way of preventing many important canine diseases. The disease risks in our region and vaccines available change with time. For maximum health and protection, we recommend a yearly physical exam with a vaccination program that considers your pet’s lifestyle and individual needs based on risk. We recommend the vaccines described below to help protect your dog.


DHPP is a combination vaccine that helps to protect against many different diseases.
Distemper is a life-threatening contagious viral disease that affects their respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous system. Symptoms include listlessness, fever, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, and discharge from the eyes and nose. In its final stages, it may cause convulsions and paralysis.
Hepatitis is caused by a contagious adenovirus that primarily affects the dog’s liver, but also the kidneys, spleen, lungs, and eyes. During its acute phase, Hepatitis is spread between dogs by contact with urine, feces, and other secretions. Clinical signs include high temperature, diarrhea, vomiting, and convulsions.

Parvovirus is a contagious virus shed in feces. The virus can survive outdoors for a long time and can be carried home by shoes or paws that come into contact with the virus. Early signs of this sometimes- deadly virus are vomiting and diarrhea. It is often more severe in puppies than in older dogs. Vaccination

is an effective way to protect your dog.

Parainfluenza is a virus that can cause a respiratory infection


Leptospirosis vaccine is recommended annually for all dogs in this area.

Leptospirosis may be caused by several strains of leptospira bacteria. Surface water contaminated by the urine of carrier animals such as infected wildlife, is thought to be the major source of this serious disease. Symptoms may include fever, increased urination, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough, bloody stool and paralysis. However, diagnosis can be difficult in some pets. Organs affected include the kidney,

liver, lungs, circulatory system, nervous system, and eyes. Urine from infected pets is a human health


Rabies vaccination is required for all dogs and cats – even if they stay indoors.

Rabies virus attacks the nervous system resulting in a fatal disease. All mammals are susceptible to the infection – including humans. The disease is a major global health hazard, so it is extremely important

that your pets be vaccinated.


Lyme vaccine is recommended annually for all dogs in this area due to the rise in infections from ticks.
Lyme is an infectious disease that has become more prevalent in Canada due to the expanded geographic range of deer ticks. Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted to dogs and humans, by the bite of an infected tick. The severity of Lyme disease may vary from acute limb/joint disease to a severe and generally fatal protein-losing kidney condition. Due to the difficulty of observing a tiny tick on your dog, preventing Lyme disease should include monthly tick control medication and vaccination against Lyme to protect against infection.
Bordetella vaccine is recommended if your dog will attend group training classes or dog daycare, use dog parks, grooming or boarding services. This additional vaccine costs $25 during an exam visit.

“Kennel Cough” (also known as Canine cough or Canine infectious respiratory disease complex), is a group of infectious illnesses that affect the respiratory system. It can be caused by different airborne viruses and bacteria. This disease is characterized by a repeated, dry, non-productive cough. Vaccination is recommended for all dogs but is particularly important for dogs that attend training classes or visit

boarding, daycare or grooming facilities, as well as dog parks and other communal areas.